Like what you see? Feel free to email with any questions!
Like what you see? Feel free to email with any questions!

Creating a professional image is the most important and exciting times in the journey of any business. It's also the perfect time to hire a graphic designer! Let me help you present your business in an aesthetically pleasing manner!
It only takes a few seconds for a customer to make up their mind about your brand. Like the Southern saying says, make sure they "Stay awhile!"
My hope for my art and design is that it inspires my viewers to appreciate the simple and beautiful things in life. This
is more than my job. This is my passion. My work is truly an expression of my heart! I love helping people achieve their wonderful ideas and visions! My process is simple. Read on
to find out how I can help you make your dream become
a reality!
Step 1: At your convenience contact me. Via phone call, email, or text to discuss details, design needs + prices.
Step 2: After we discuss your visual direction, I’ll begin
the design process! In a couple of days, I will get back to
you with your concept(s). (Depending on your design needs, this time span may vary, see services below.)We will have a conversation about the concept(s) I will present to you.
Step 3: I will begin your rounds of revisions. (All of my design services include three rounds of revisions with the option to add more if needed.) After your second round of revisions, we will have a conversation about any edits you would like to have done. After this, I'll start designing your third and final round of revisions. First portion of payment
is collected.
Step 4: Once your final round of revisions is complete,
I will send you your final design with all of your design variations and a style guide if necessary. Second and
final portion payment is collected.
Please note that each design service is different and has unique processes and qualities. Prices and time spans may vary.